Thursday, July 28, 2011
A Look into the Past
Here is a peek at Valiesk's old flag from the merry days of the Cold War, back when it was the People's Republic of Valiesk.

The Rebels have Arrived!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Loyalists are Ready!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
FAD4 Valieskan Force Overview

Government Army (AKA "Loyalists")
Miniatures: QRF Motor Rifle Infantry.
Quality: Conscript.
Resolve: Steady.
Squad Size: 7 men (1x RPG-7, 1x Leader, 2x RPK-74, 3x AK-74).
Armour: Light.
Infantry Weapons: Assault Rifles, RPGs, SAWs.
Vehicles: APCs (BTR-70), Tanks (T-72), Helicopters (Mil Mi-24), Jeeps (UAZ), Trucks (Ural).
Government Spetznaz (AKA "Loyalist Spetznaz")
Miniatures: Rebel Minis PLA.
Quality: Regular.
Resolve: Determined.
Squad Size: 7 men.
Armour: Enhanced.
Infantry Weapons: Assault Rifles.
Vehicles: Usually Helicopters (Mil Mi-24).
National Salvation Forces (AKA "Rebels")
Miniatures: Rebel Minis US Army.
Quality: Regular.
Resolve: Steady.
Squad Size: 4 men (1x SAW, 1x Leader w/M-4, 1x M-4 w/M-203, 1x M-4).
Armour: Enhanced.
Infantry Weapons: High-Tech Rifles, Rifle Grenades, SAWs, Missile Launchers.
Vehicles: Jeeps (HUMMERs), IFVs (Bradleys), Helicopters (Black Hawks).
Village/Citizens' Militia
Miniatures: Peter Pig Partisans and Hardened Militia.
Quality: Rabble.
Resolve: Uncertain.
Squad Size: Varies (6-10 men and women).
Armour: None.
Infantry Weapons: Low-Tech Rifles, sometimes Assault Rifles and rarely RPKs and RPGs.
Vehicles: Mostly soft-skins; sometimes Technicals (i.e. Gaz-66 with a machinegun bolted on).
Vory v Zakone
Miniatures: Rebel Minis Armed Gunmen.
Quality: Regular.
Resolve: Uncertain (usual criminal behavior) or Determined (w/ combat drugs) .
Squad Size: 6 Men.
Armour: None.
Infantry Weapons: Assault Carbines, Shotguns, Missile Launchers, SAWs.
Vehicles: Mostly soft-skins; sometimes Technicals (i.e. Gaz-66 with a machinegun bolted on).
Red Front
Miniatures: Khurasan Miniatures Spuldevan Resistance Fighters.
Quality: Conscript.
Resolve: Determined.
Squad Size: 7 Men and Women (1x Leader, 1x RPG, 1x Medic, 4x AK-74).
Armour: Light.
Infantry Weapons: Assault Rifles, SMGs, RPGs.
Vehicles: Technicals (i.e. Gaz-66 with a machinegun bolted on); sometimes old tanks (T-55).
Black Freedom
Miniatures: Rebel Minis Post-Apocalyptic Survivors+Rebel Minis Bikers.
Quality: Rabble.
Resolve: Determined.
Squad Size: 6 Men and Women.
Armour: None.
Infantry Weapons: Assault Carbines, SMGs, Pistols, Shotguns.
Vehicles: Soft-Skins, Motorcycles.
White Legion
Miniatures: Undecided yet.
Quality: Regular.
Resolve: Steady.
Squad Size: ?
Armour: Light? Enhanced?
Infantry Weapons: Assault Rifles?
Vehicles: Soft-Skins, Muscle Cars, Tanks?
Russian Spetznaz
Miniatures: Rebel Minis Spetznaz.
Quality: Elite.
Resolve: Determined.
Squad Size: 12 Men (whole unit).
Armour: Light.
Infantry Weapons: Assault Rifles, SAWs, Missile Launchers, Pistols.
Vehicles: Usually deployed by Mil Mi-24 helicopters.
German KSK
Miniatures: Rebel Minis KSK.
Quality: Elite.
Resolve: Determined.
Squad Size: 12 Men (whole unit).
Armour: Enhanced.
Infantry Weapons: Assault Rifles, SAWs, Shotguns, Pistols.
Vehicles: Usually deployed by 'Little Bird' helicopters.
US Special Forces
Miniatures: Rebel Minis KSK.
Quality: Elite.
Resolve: Determined.
Squad Size: 8 Men.
Armour: Enhanced.
Infantry Weapons: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns.
Vehicles: Usually deployed by 'Little Bird' helicopters.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
My Choice of Wargaming Rules for Valiesk
I've been thinking about which rulesets to use for Valiesk and have reached a conclusion.
My first choice, for platoon-level engagements, is Fast and Dirty v4.0 (FAD4) by Ivan Sorensen. This is a free ruleset available on the 'Net, which is quite interesting and dynamic when it comes to infantry tactics and morale, all while staying quite simple to learn and use. It was designed with sci-fi in mind, but could definitely be used for any modern or sci-fi milieu starting from WWII and up to futuristic sci-fi.
This is a platoon- or company-level ruleset, which, while having relatively cumbersome vehicle rules, is great nonetheless for infantry engagements with a few vehicles added for good measure. And it supports a wide range of weapons, equipment, and troops qualities.
The second ruleset I intend to use is USE ME Modern Warfare by 15mm.co.uk. These are very elegant rules, using two characteristics per until (ELAN, which is unit quality, and Move, which is its speed) and only 1d6 for all rolls. It is fast and furious, and highly suitable to quick resolution of small-units engagements, such as Russian Spetznaz rescuing hostages from an embassy taken over by Black Freedom, or the Valieskan Police raiding a Vory warehouse.
This is a modern ruleset based on a previous sci-fi ruleset and produced by the wonderful 15mm.co.uk. Oh, and I was its co-writer, so let's say I'm a bit biased towards it. It was fun statting all the real-world forces in USE ME stats!

This is a platoon- or company-level ruleset, which, while having relatively cumbersome vehicle rules, is great nonetheless for infantry engagements with a few vehicles added for good measure. And it supports a wide range of weapons, equipment, and troops qualities.

This is a modern ruleset based on a previous sci-fi ruleset and produced by the wonderful 15mm.co.uk. Oh, and I was its co-writer, so let's say I'm a bit biased towards it. It was fun statting all the real-world forces in USE ME stats!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Speech of President Navchenko, July 2011
Speech of President Marina Navchenko, July 2011
"My fellow citizens and patriots.
Our times are dark ones. Enemies of our freedom, of your democratic choice of government, are arming themselves and preparing for war against the citizens of Valiesk. The arch-traitor, General Moraviev, is building his own terrorist army bent on destroying all we have labored for in the last two years and return our fair country to the dark age of Vassiliev's reign.
We will not tolerate this. We will not let these bandits rob our country of its democratically-elected government.
Citizens, patriots, I, the President you have elected in the first free elections in Valiesk's modern history, call you to do your civil duty and enlist in the Army of the Republic of Valiesk to defend our homeland from traitors, terrorists and would-be tyrants. make no mistake. Moraviev's gang will not submit itself to the laws of our country or to the justice of our courts. Only in the battlefield we may stand a chance to defeat this threat to our liberty. And for that we need men and women willing to give their blood for the sake of our homeland.
And I ask Moraviev and his ilk: If you truly see yourselves as saviors of our nation, if you see yourselves as a legitimate opposition to my administration, why do not you try to win the support of your fellow citizens in open elections? Why do you fear the will of the people? The answer is simple. All of these gangsters are sworn enemies of the people's will, the will expressed in the democratic process. They want to steal our country from us and sell it to the highest bidder. We will not let them do so!
My fellow countrymen, to arms! To arms! Defend the homeland from these criminals!"
"My fellow citizens and patriots.
Our times are dark ones. Enemies of our freedom, of your democratic choice of government, are arming themselves and preparing for war against the citizens of Valiesk. The arch-traitor, General Moraviev, is building his own terrorist army bent on destroying all we have labored for in the last two years and return our fair country to the dark age of Vassiliev's reign.
We will not tolerate this. We will not let these bandits rob our country of its democratically-elected government.
Citizens, patriots, I, the President you have elected in the first free elections in Valiesk's modern history, call you to do your civil duty and enlist in the Army of the Republic of Valiesk to defend our homeland from traitors, terrorists and would-be tyrants. make no mistake. Moraviev's gang will not submit itself to the laws of our country or to the justice of our courts. Only in the battlefield we may stand a chance to defeat this threat to our liberty. And for that we need men and women willing to give their blood for the sake of our homeland.
And I ask Moraviev and his ilk: If you truly see yourselves as saviors of our nation, if you see yourselves as a legitimate opposition to my administration, why do not you try to win the support of your fellow citizens in open elections? Why do you fear the will of the people? The answer is simple. All of these gangsters are sworn enemies of the people's will, the will expressed in the democratic process. They want to steal our country from us and sell it to the highest bidder. We will not let them do so!
My fellow countrymen, to arms! To arms! Defend the homeland from these criminals!"
Monday, July 4, 2011
Facts at a Glance 2011
The Republic of Valiesk - Facts at a Glance (2011)
Capital (and largest city): Igorgrad
Official Languages: Valieskan
Ethnic Groups: 89.4% Valieskans, 5.2% Poles, 3.6% Russians, 1.3% Ukrainians, 0.5% Others
Demonym: Valieskan
Government: Presidential Republic
President: Marina Navchenko
Independence from Soviet Union: November 1990
Area: 37,000 Square Miles
Population (2010 census): 1,540,000
Population Density: 41.62 persons per square kilometer
GDP Per Capita: $4,600
Currency: Valieskan Ruble (VAR)
Time Zone: GMT+2
Internet TLD: .vi
Corruption Perception Index: 3.9 (68th least corrupt)
Number of Troops: 74,000
Capital (and largest city): Igorgrad
Official Languages: Valieskan
Ethnic Groups: 89.4% Valieskans, 5.2% Poles, 3.6% Russians, 1.3% Ukrainians, 0.5% Others
Demonym: Valieskan
Government: Presidential Republic
President: Marina Navchenko
Independence from Soviet Union: November 1990
Area: 37,000 Square Miles
Population (2010 census): 1,540,000
Population Density: 41.62 persons per square kilometer
GDP Per Capita: $4,600
Currency: Valieskan Ruble (VAR)
Time Zone: GMT+2
Internet TLD: .vi
Corruption Perception Index: 3.9 (68th least corrupt)
Number of Troops: 74,000
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